After the resignation of alcohol in the first time the feelings in the person subjectively may be unpleasant. This is explained by the negative impact of ethanol in the body, as well as the fact that the drunk has not recovered even their own health.
In the early weeks of the date of the cancellation, the person may feel decreased strength, often, being sick, being subject to attacks of depression. This reaction is explained by the decrease of the immunity and the fact that the body still has not adapted to the new conditions and trying to return everything in the habits of the normal. The people in this period tend to fall back to take hold of the bottle, convinced that it is better than constantly sick.
When the crisis passes and the body recovers, the ex-drunk you will feel much better and even be able to point. The improvement is manifested in:
- the increase of the body's defenses;
- the improvement of the skin condition;
- improve memory;
- the stability in the functioning of the heart and blood vessels;
- the standardization of the processes of digestion, and the urine.
Alcoholics, improvement of the general situation does not come instantly, as soon as they stopped drinking. You must pass a time for the body to deal with their addiction. You must be aware of this and not ğsemántica quick results.
4 Folk remedies in the fight against alcohol dependence
To stop drinking forever, you can use the methods of the medicine, intended for the fixation of the results of the medication. The main task of the consists of of in develop alcoholics, the feeling of disgust against the subsequent application of alcoholic beverages.
Before you begin direct treatment in the home, it is important to get the person out of a drunken stupor and driving in the normal state. To do this, you must get rid of the company of friends, that systematically cause the consumption of alcoholic beverages
Sometimes you need to even the change of place of permanent residence. Will not prevent to enter to the patient with the person who was able to pass the course of rehabilitation and treatment with the methods of popular therapy.
The force of will

The most comfortable and efficient alternative to the time it is the more prosaic. Since there is nothing
it is more powerful than your willpower. Sometimes, of course, the strong dependence is based on the purely physiological level to get anywhere, but even so, if you want to difficult to difficult to overcome such problems, as in the case of the same drugs, not you. It is not even necessary as something too gently getting in the way of alcohol simply parisian parisian with a instead of saying that you don't want to drink. After this, he should listen to his intention, to simply stop drinking.
There is No trick, no traps. Yes, it's true, the time is not very good, you will feel a characteristic discomfort but it is not for always. More state will be only improving, it will be easier
It is important to motivate, to explain the meanings meanings what is the damage to the body causing the use (and abuse) of alcohol. We need an own system of moral values of the rewards for the malware removal habits
It is also good to keep track of its state, the determination of each change to the positive. Since that very soon you and the truth is that you will feel better and better. And this means that you will have more and more incentives to maintain a good lifestyle.
How to stop drinking forever: practical tips
That will cure you?
The wife says: "the Husband drinks!" The children suffer, looking at the baby of his father. It is time to get down to the mind.Can you same in the home to deal with the binge? It all depends on the degree of addiction. But even if the disease has gone very far, there are a number of support instruments, which together can give a positive result. The main of them:
- The medications that are prescribed by your doctor — antidepressants, neuroleptic, nootropic drugs, tools for the recovery of liver function, etc
- Psychotherapy individual and group.
- The coding of the medications or hypnosis.
The higher the period in which you take, the more difficult it is to deal with your addiction. Sometimes, without the use of medication to recover is already impossible.
That you would support?
If you see the sign you will desire to be sober, to return to the family and to arrange the daily life — and it is worth to use and more tricks:
- Make friends and co-religionists. Shy — search the forum, where they communicate with alcoholics anonymous, there, nobody's going to know it in the face.
- To cope with the stress, because they are the ones that can cause a new failure. If the medications are of little help to calm the nerves, this means that there is a need to come to your doctor modified the treatment and named other tablets and contraceptive pill.
- Fill the life of sense, to find a new job, hobbies, do sports, read an interesting book, go for a walk, learn how to cook.
Like any chronic disease, alcoholism can give you the relapse, even through a long period of time. It is necessary to quit drinking forever and do not take into the mouth no alcohol, even beer. More beer each day of the woman, your wife, why, that relaxes you and you start to think that no great misfortune. No, it is not so. In malta, the drink contains the same alcohol as well as other addictive substances.
Always remember, that cuts the temptation may ruin all your achievements.
Some tips of how to stop drinking forever
- Prevents the fighting with the alcohol manages in-house all that there is, do not buy, even "just in case" and "for others", to get the same make of all the members of the family. Explain to the woman, help your husband to stop drinking, that also honors the articles on this topic.
- Do not go to meetings and parties, if you know that there to drink. Loves himself and thinks first of himself, because this is the case when foreign resentment, you do not should be interested.
- Stops communicating with those who urged you to take, even if it is about your friends. Avoids any kind of meetings with fellow family-run — better to temporarily move the bad person die in an alcoholic.
- Struggle with the thoughts about the drink. Remember what you wanted to learn in the childhood and in the practice this. Whatever it is, it is never too late to try again. Even fencing and the sport of gymnastics can be practiced at any age.
- Try not to watch movies and read books, where it is consumed. Until it has cured — do not even read books Like "how to quit drinking", may contain excessive details, that's going to cause.
- As you stroll, greetings outdoor. As pull take — make a run, or to cut firewood, the practice of cooking, do cooking courses or in the circle seam.
- Help to tidy the mode of day, in the which there will not be space for the drink. Work, family, communication with children, hiking, etc, Time to eat and lie down to sleep at the same time.
- If not you can followed completely abandon the alcohol, the experts advise to keep a record of drunk. You will then be able to follow, not to maximize if you are the dose. You must gradually reduce.
- But if to you it under force — it is best to totally refuse to alcohol.
Why do people drink?
Very often the person, to be surrounded by people who like to drink, to drink with them by the company. In general, this is typical of the youth, which tries to imitate the adults. The child observes how the parents of the baby of the house, and considers that this behavior in the standard.
Another cause of the passions of the alcohol is the desire to forget problems, to relax. Unfortunately, the inverse effect: when trying to get rid of their problems with the help of alcohol, the number continues to grow.
In connection with the fact that alcoholic beverages provide to the man a feeling of euphoria, improve mood, many people with this goal your baby. But sometimes the consumption of alcohol results in the totally opposite effect. Instead of the expected feeling of happiness, the man becomes irritable, experience the fear, the anger, his muchaet the feeling of guilt.
Sometimes a person consumes simply by the habit. Appears the psychological dependence of alcohol and the regular use occurs and physiological dependence.
Many of them with the help of alcohol resolve the issue of your integrity. Without alcohol, the person feels incomplete. Others try to avoid the responsibility for his life, putting in the other persons.
Often the cause of alcoholism is the feeling of guilt that is necessary for the man. To achieve this, the person is directed towards the alcohol. In addition, the addiction to alcohol can be due to the feeling of guilt for an act, and this prevents us from living in peace.
If you are thinking of how to stop drinking alcohol by yourself, regardless of the cause why you drink alcoholic beverages, listen to some of the tips.
Disadvantages of in-home therapy
Stop drinking at home is difficult, however, it is important to observe a number of rules
- The effect of the measures is possible, if the disease is at an early stage. When you are running the stages observed physical and psychological scars of rape, of handle with which only a specialist.
- The patient should want to get rid of the habit. In compliance to the person to stop drinking, you may not be. In this case, only a temporary effect.
- Necessary to create the conditions favorable to the installation of numerous sick of the stress, often lead to failures, and provide their support.
- You need to stop alcoholic beverages.
But, anyway, the struggle with alcohol in the home rarely ends in a 100% success. This situation is due to the following causes:
- lack the necessary qualifications and sufficient experience, that there are the doctors;
- there is a high risk of relapse;
- did not resist the motivation of the addicted person (in the clinic better you can be aware of the risk of alcohol and the need for the waiver of the usual);
- lack of psychological support (although nearby the ill sincerely try to help you, that they were not able to plant in him faith in what he will stop drinking. This type of trust is able to introduce in the consciousness only a psychotherapist).
Often become alcoholics, to escape from the surrounding reality and forget about the problems. In such cases, it is necessary to find out the cause of alcohol addiction, and solve the problem, which is only accessible by a technical specialist.
As well as throw drinking abruptly, the other problem is that the treatment of the home becomes the impossibility of complete help for alcohol intoxication. Such negative consequences are:
- the increase of the pressure;
- heart rhythm disturbances;
- the heart failure;
- failures in the functioning of the digestive system;
- delirium tremens (in the very execution of cases).
The specialist in these cases, it is assigned detoxification therapy.
It's not worth risking the health of a loved one. To Help you stop drinking means to get in contact with a clinic, where the sick will provide you with qualified medical assistance.
ATTENTION! This article contains information for informational purposes only and cannot serve as a guide to action. Provide an effective aid to for only may doctor-psychotherapist or psychiatrist-narcólogo
How to stop drinking without coding
Men nearby who are addicted to alcohol concerned, as a drinker of force to stop drinking? To do that is not going to work. You should try to create around the conditions of the person, that will help you to think less about the drink and not come in contact with it. Today in almost all cities open rehabilitation center. So, for example, in odessa, the treatment of alcoholism is fully engaged without the need of coding, so to speak, "in the dry".
To get rid of alcohol dependence without the help of registered with a doctor or encoding techniques, it must meet three important conditions:
- Recognize that the consumption of alcohol has become a problem and prevents you from having a normal life.
- Enumerate the causes of why the alcohol originated in your life.
- Define specific objectives, the compliance with which will help you to get rid of alcohol addiction.
Important milestones on the path to sobriety:
- To begin, go to the mirror, objectively, what is your appearance and tell yourself: "I see myself in 10 years older than your age. I have under eye circles and double chins, not because I so badly that I sleep well and at my age, all thick, and because I'm an alcoholic". It sounds like in the series, but without the recognition of problems may not make the next step.
- Talk to your loved ones about your plans to stop drinking. To Get their support in the difficult road. If someone of your friends that you will not find understanding, try to reduce their contacts and are not in periods, which account for a feast. Even if it is breast friends, the health is more expensive. And the life of all the put in place.
- Think about why alcohol interferes with you. Think of "temper", on which you started to stumble, when the friendship with the bottle. This can be: health problems, irritability, it came to fights in the family, with the reduction of their level of income, etc
- Determine the purpose for which you need to stop drinking: to conceive a son, to regain authority in the family, obtain a new position of saving in the consumption of alcohol, and build the house of field, etc, the Objectives should be specific and achievable. Unfulfilled imagination can recover again.
- In the rehabilitation phase are excluded from the lexicon any excuses. "The beer — beverage of low alcoholic content". "I only for the night and a little bit". "A couple of drinks will help me sleep. These and other similar phrases — the enemies fierce of the good intention to stop drinking.
- Of the temptation away, eliminate all alcohol from the house. In the stores, so that the department does not fall in the zone of its visibility. To reduce to a minimum homemade look with the guests, who do not drink.
- Put on the agenda and plan each day so that it will be more eventful are are. Take part of the tasks of the home, which they refused. The less "windows" in white hobby is is in the that will be, the less are the thoughts on the drink.
- Designed activities for leisure and pleasure. They should be active, and at the same time fun and to distract attention from the thoughts about the consumption of alcohol.
- Click on healthy eating. Remove from the diet the dishes before loved to consume with liquor. Try the menu is delicious, varied and the pleasure. In this period the small pleasures can't be denied.
- Locate substitutes to relieve stress after work. This can be hiking, visits to the cinema, hobbies, sports in the hot tub of the evening ran.
- Calculate the amount of money they spend on alcohol in a month, a week, a day. Delay your. You'll be surprised how this expense will be ruinous for the budget. Buy a a in the money saved something good, useful, or delay in the acquisition toll of the purchase.
- Try to look at all the positive points. Depression is first and foremost the temptation to return to the old habit. Don't let discouragement, regret unfulfilled, the longing for something very fun unbridled times. Simply change that thought into something more lightweight.
- Take care of your health. Surely, you have to work after a prolonged period of alcohol attack in your body. Please consult with your doctor advised vitamins that promote well-being in the period of rehabilitation.
How to stop drinking using the encoding of

Speaking of "how I stopped drinking", many of the former drinkers people recommend the recourse to traditional medicine, the therapy is done with the help of the medicines coding, including hypnosis. There are several types of encoding.
The advantages of this method lies in the fact that the encoding is carried out by the specialist and the patient is under their control. The doctor the dose of medication based on the clinical history of the patient and controls during the treatment. In the case of deterioration of state of health, the doctor adjusts the treatment set: reduce the dosage, enter the antidote, a substitute for drugs, designates a comprehensive treatment.
Pharmacological encoding
The sick will be offered oral medications or implantable devices. The action of these drugs is based on the principles of the containment of the consumption of alcohol, as well as when combined with alcohol, the patient shows symptoms of dizziness, weakness, nausea, heart rhythm disturbances, seizures.
If the reception of oral medications leads to unpleasant consequences, the implantable encoding, in addition to the same reaction in the alcohol, is the procedure painful.
When implanted in the encoding, to the sick in the skin depth of the incision of 3-4 cm, and in this cavity are implanted in the tablet, which subsequently resolve. Before the incision is made the prick of the local anesthesia.
In addition, implanted the encoding, it is for the provocation, that is to say, the doctor gives the patient to drink alcohol, which begins with a strong deterioration of state of health caused by nausea, increased pressure, vomiting, weakness. After which you enter the antidote, which removes all the consequences. After the provocation of the person who has a fear of alcohol.
The encoding by the method of dovzhenko

This method has been shown to be over several tens of years. The method of the consists of the of the in hypnotic and effects on the sick man. When sick do not dive into a deep sleep and performs the printing of the renunciation of alcohol in a given period, a watcher of the person. The main condition for using this method is the firm you desire to get rid of alcohol and refusal of alcohol intake by 6-7 days before the celebration of this procedure.
The advantages of this method lies in the fact that the coding occurs in a single session, the treatment is carried out anonymously, without transmission of information on drug dispensary, the method is well combined with other treatment procedures, and it generates indifference to alcohol. Is a professor of dovzhenko belongs to the authorship of the term "encoding", this method of livestock is one of the most efficient in the world. On the contrary, the method of dovzhenko, can lead to what he, the encoding gives the installation of stop drinking for a while. Some coded just waiting for the day when the effect of the method to lose its vigour after which they can start drinking again.
Laser coding against alcoholism
Since this method includes the impact on the body of the laser irradiation, which is applied after a thorough examination of the state of health and under the supervision of a doctor. The laser irradiation is performed several times, to achieve the effect. The goal of this method – the impact in the blood of the patient, which is subjected to treatment. Given that this method has many contraindications and side effects, it is applied not very often, although it is effective enough to to to stop drinking.
Coding of alcoholism hypnosis

This is perhaps the most well-known and widely used encoding. Hypnosis generates the patient has fear of alcohol consumption, with the end of instinct of conservation. The dignity of this method is that the man is not necessary to take special medicines. For the treatment should be only the desire to stop drinking, and expert.
It also features a provocation, as if implanted encoding, only in small doses. The ill give a few drops of alcohol in the language, after which it worsens the state of health, even suffocation. All of these symptoms disappear after the introduction of a doctor of the drug antidote. In addition to that you will receive the aversion to alcohol, the patient there is the installation, every time you try alcohol, the symptoms will be repeated.
Popular recipes that will always help you to stop drinking
The process of cooking
- The decoction of the herb st. john's wort. Pour 4 tablespoons of the herb st. john's wort in 500 ml of boiling water. The mixture of heat not more than 30 minutes in a water bath. The infusion, drink 2 times a day for 2 weeks. The patient must come from the aversion to alcohol, and will drink.
- The decoction of bearberry. Pour 2 tablespoons of leaves of a bearberry of a glass of water and boil 15 minutes. A tablespoon of broth to drink 6 times in the day, this should help to stop the habit noxious.
- The cooking of the oatmeal calendula. Sleeping in a small pot of oats, the amount of up to about the mid-capacity. Add the water and boil it at small fire for half an hour, strain. Sleep in the cooking of 100 g of marigold flowers, insist on the heat for the 12 hours. Filter, drink in the glass 3 times a day. At the end of the wand of the course, the patient should stop taking alcohol.
The tincture
- You will have the root of a laurel noble and lovage drugs. It is necessary to pour the crumbs from the roots of a glass of vodka, insist within 2 weeks. The mixture should give drinking alcohol causes a tremendous vomiting, and aversion to alcohol.
- The crushed leaves Kapiti european pour a glass of boiling water, 2 weeks to insist in a dark place. About 100 ml of the dye mixed with the same amount of vodka and give to the patient in the morning and during lunch. For the night, give drinking normal vodka. The tool should cause severe vomiting, as a result of an alcoholic will drink.
- Spoon of thyme, wormwood and centaury mix and pour a glass of boiling water. Insist 2 hours in a warm place OPCW of the blanket. The solution strain and give an alcoholic in the period of two months to 4 times a day by spoon.
- Grind 20 g of yarrow, wormwood and mint. Add the juniper berries, the choir of marsh, angelica root (10 gr). A tablespoon of the composition of pour a glass of boiling water. To insist and to give to drink.
- Take 20 g of herb st. john's wort, yarrow, the wormwood bitter. Take 10 gr of creeping thyme and angelica, add 15 grams of mint and 5 g of common juniper. All grind. A tablespoon of the mixture pour a glass of boiling water and drink.
Teas you can out of your body with the remnants of alcohol and improve the well-being, drinking want as much as possible. If you use several methods in the complex, it can help a man and bring good results in the overcoming of the dependence on the home. Regardless of overcome the habit in the home, to completely get rid of the problems possible! The patient's desire to stop drinking alcohol gives long-lasting, allows you to defeat the drink forever.

Cure alcoholism popular methods, without the consent of the patient is very difficult, as well as the herbs and other raw materials for the flasks have a certain smell and taste. Adding the infusions and decoctions of alcoholic beverages, the alcoholic can guess their intentions. This is going to cause in him an attack of aggression. Therefore, to fight alcoholism with the help of herbs at home best with the consent of the patient. If the patient adamantly refuses treatment, and it is considered that the alcoholism is not your problem, it is best to try other methods of treatment of alcohol dependence in the home.